Thursday, April 3, 2014

Internet Friends

You know, I mean to write at least once a week, I really do.
Not very good at keeping that promise, though.
So, in March, I passed a birthday and also completed a goal I've aimed for since I was little: I finished my first novel before age thirteen. (Granted, it was 3 am the day after, but I added in the time difference, and voilĂ .) I'm pretty excited about that, though not about the editing. I've never properly edited before, like, rewriting and all. I'm more of a spontaneous writer; what comes out, comes out. But I'll have to buckle down and edit eventually. :P
I'm participating in Camp NaNoWriMo this month. For anyone who doesn't know what that is, it's the 'camp' version of National Novel Writing Month, in November where the goal is to write 50k words in that month. Camp is the same thing essentially, but more free, so you can pick what projects you work on and pick your word count.
At the moment, though, I'm spending the first week of Camp 'studying' for exams. And maybe other things. (shh.)
I don't really know what I wanted to talk about in this post. I just really want to write something. I could talk for a while about how much I love music, because I really do, it's the best thing ever. Or I guess I could talk about the wonderful friends I've made over the internet.
I have so many more close friends on the internet that I've never met than the ones in real life. Don't get me wrong, I have a few close IRL friends that are just the best people ever. But to be honest, I'd rather hang out with some of my internet friends more. And as bad as that seems, with the whole 'stalker thing', I just think it's easier. Whether it's because I'd rather not show my face while talking, r whether it's just because my area doesn't seem to have the people I click with, I don't know.
And if any of my IRL friends are reading this, don't be offended. You might be one of the few I don't hate. Might.
I'm joking.
But I know the dangers of meeting people online, and I do try to be careful, I do. I get a little sloppy sometimes, but I do genuinely try. The ones who I'm closest with have Skyped with me a few times, and I think it'd be just the best thing ever if I met them in person.
What if they're nothing like I expect though? I expect they will be different. And I guess that's okay. Perfect friends are annoying anyway.

-Maddie the Mermaid


  1. :-) hahaha you would not want to meet me, trust me dear. I'm much cooler online. ;-)

  2. Wait how old are you? Or is that too personal a question? o_O
    And my name is not Elaine. And mermaids are...awesome. *highfive*

  3. I don't mind. I'm 14 :) i can see how you might think otherwise xD
    I'd like something to call you though(and an age, if you're comfortable).
    And thanks for reading :)

  4. Not at all my name is Margaret, but you can call me Margie or Pearl, both variations of my given name. I'm 14 too. :) And yes I am desperate for friends cause I don't have any and that's why the title of the post caught my eye. That didn't make sense...

    1. And I tried to comment with my real name, but it didn't let me, so I'm not purposely trying to hide my identity.

    2. LOL you're adorable. :) feel free to talk to me whenever, Margie.

    3. Yay thanks!! :) You seem really cool. :)

    4. Do you have an email address? I think that might be easier, but if you don't want to give it to me that's totally cool!

      hope you don't mind me asking how you found me. stalkers be everywhere, you know. :P

    6. LOL sorry just trying to envision myself as a stalker...I found you through Elsie's blog. I know someone I think she knows...yeah it's a bit complicated but I found your blog through other blogs.
      So is it ok if we can talk through email? That's just quicker/easier for me.

    7. Did you find me from Willa's blog, Margie? Sorry if that's weird. Just curious.

    8. That's totally not weird. And yes. Is that ok??

    9. Yeah that's fine. :-) She's an awesome girl.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
