Sunday, June 9, 2013

Gay Marriage

I don't understand the people against gay marriage. I just don't understand them. I think that there are several reasons that people hate gays.
1) They are religious.
So what if this guy likes that guy? What does that have to do with you? And to all those parents who disown their sons and daughters because they're gay, what kind of parents are you? You're supposed to love your children no matter who the are.
2) They think gays are wrong.
What do you mean, wrong? Wrong how? Wrong for simply loving? No, you know what? THOSE people are wrong. They're wrong because they can't accept people for who they are.
3) They are homophobic.
Why are gays scary?! That's right; they're not. What's wrong with you homophobics? They're just people, like you and me. And if them being gay changes your view of them, well, then, that's YOUR problem, not theirs.
4) They think that the "children" are in danger.
Sigh. I just don't understand this. Very recently in Paris, there have been protests and parades against the legalization of gay marriage. They wave flags that have the silhouettes of a woman, a man, their daughter, and their son. They say that they're protesting against gay marriage for the sake of the children. What are they TALKING about? I'm not quite sure what they mean, but it sounds like they think, to be a family, you must have a man and a woman and their children. They're "worried" that the children will grow up deprived because they have two moms or two dads.
What does it matter? As long as the kid(s) is/are loved by their parents, it doesn't matter if they're gay or not.
Jesus, people need to grow up and get over it. Gays exist. Suck it up.
-Maddie the mermaid


  1. I agree with you. Jesus says to love people with no judgement. I think that as long as they truly love each other, there is no sin there. Not as much can be said about many non-gay couples.

  2. Hey, I nominated you for a Leibster award! Head over to my blog for the directions:
