Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hi, World. It's Maddie.

So, honestly, I don't know why I started this. I was just reading a bunch of different blogs lately, and figured, "Why not?"
I don't know what I'll write, or if anyone will ever read it, but oh, well. That's life, right?
At the moment, I'm supposed to be doing my homework, and studying for my final History test tomorrow, but instead I'm writing this. I don't really get stressed over my homework anymore. It's strange; somehow, I always get this feeling that it'll work itself out.
And it does. Usually.
Anyway, I've never had a blog before. I'm not quite sure what to do, so I guess I'll learn along the way.
There's an issue that's been bugging me lately.
What is "cliché"?
I know, I know. Cliché is princesses being swept of their feet by their Prince Charmings. Cliché is the good girl turned bad by the bad boy. Cliché is the bitches of your school always getting the hot guys.
You get the picture.
The point is, everyone thinks that clichés are harmless. Well, they're not. Why is it that the girls in these stories are shown as weird people? Or bitches?
Why aren't the Prince Charmings of the world being swept off their feet by Cinderella? Why don't we read stories about a good boy gone bad? Why does Cinderella need to wait for Prince Charming to sweep her off her feet?
Or rather, why are the "bitches" bitches? Maybe they're neglected at home, and they feel like they need to make up for it at school, trying to grab everyone's attention. I don't know. I'm not one(I hope not, at least.)
In fact, why stop at girls? Boys have bad reputations, too. The males of our species are portrayed as ignorant, arrogant, sexist assholes that only think about getting laid.
For the most part, THAT'S NOT TRUE.
At least, not the guys I know, anyway. But seriously, why do guys have to be the chivalrous one? Is there anything wrong with the girl being chivalrous?
Okay, I don't know where I'm going with this. My main point is, clichés are pretty much the same as stereotypes. And stereotypes are bad.
The word "stereotype" is basically a word that helps people categorize others into groups of people similar to them.
You shouldn't categorize people, especially not because they seem 'similar' to other people you may or not know. Everybody is different, and if more people realized that, stereotypes wouldn't even exist.
Who says Americans are fat, lazy and stupid? Who says Asians get straight As? Who says Russians live off of vodka? And who the hell said that women aren't as smart as men?!?
One time, right before the week of my exams,  I was freaking out over studying with my friends. I remember I said something like, "Oh my God, I still have so much to study for!"
and one of my friends responded with, "Yeah, but you're asian! At least you don't have to study for math!"
I was like, what the hell?
On the outside, I just laughed it off, like, "Haha, yeah, right" but I was actually pretty offended. Like, I'm pretty much failing math!
And de plus, stereotyping is another form of bullying.
"Guys who take interest in clothing or cooking are gay."
"Blondes are dumb."
"All Arabs are terrorists."
"Men wear the pants in the family."
^To all this, I'm just like, screw you. Because no one deserves to be bullied.
I'm just super frustrated with how mean people can be.

-Maddie the Mermaid

(Edit: I take back some of what I said, specifically the part about clichés being stereotypes. I've learned a lot since I blogged that, and I'd like to change my statement. Yes, I acknowledge that clichés can be stereotypes, but mostly, clichés are a concept that people have taken a particular liking for, so it is overused again and again in different variations. Stereotypes, while amusing, are still generally offensive.)

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