Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Magical Creatures & Ignorant Humans

That's it; just magic.
If I ask people what they think magic is, they usually just laugh in my face, and tell me magic doesn't exist.
1) Laughing in someone's face is rude.
2) Magic exists.
'Course, at this point, people are going to say, "Well, then show me some magic, then." To which I would say, "I DON'T HAVE ANY."
Then they would laugh again, and say, "If you can't prove it, it doesn't exist."
Oh, COME ON! If I had magic, I wouldn't be talking to people who do that. And of course I don't have magic; I was born into the wrong body, remember?
But just because I don't have magic, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I mean, think about this. There's the eternal question: if a tree falls in the woods and no one's around to hear it, does it still make noise?
Of course it makes noise! Just because no one was there, doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Same with magic. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean that magic isn't in the air.
Magic is just too smart; they know what humans would do if proof was ever found of their existence. Humans are the most greedy, destructive race to ever walk this earth, and they know it. We're beyond selfish, and we only care about making ourselves rich and powerful. This is a general statement, of course. I've met a lot of kind, caring people that would to anything to help their fellow earthwalkers.
But all the people up there, in the high places where their opinions matter, don't care. We've all seen them in movies before. The dad who pays no attention to their children, only on getting richer and more successful. They end up tearing down something their kids love, like their school, or their favorite park. The kids end up hating their dad, and then he feels bad. The dad finds some way to make it up to them, like rebuildig their school. By then end of the movie, he's a better person, and a better dad, and everyone lives happily ever after.
But back to reality now.
There are actually people like that, but unlike the movie, they never change. They live for money, and then they die, leaving behind a legacy, a legacy of power and money.
Do you know what would happen if someone found proof of the existence of magic? Chaos. That's what.
The world would go on a magic craze, and everyone would be searching for more magic, because humans will never have enough. If someone caught a fairy, she'd be locked in a cage, forced to bow to humans' every whim. She'd be a government test, and probably be cut open for dissection.
Or a mermaid. She'd be in an aquarium for the rest of her life, and same goes for mermen. Humans are too eager to advance in the field of technology. Or rather, to find magic that will allow them to do that.
What makes us them think that anybody would help them after being kidnapped or almost dissected? Why would they think that any magical creature would willingly help them? They'd use them for their own personal gain.
And don't you think that if they wanted to expose magic, they'd have done it themselves? Why haven't they, you ask? Well, because they already know what would happen. They're far too smart for humans.
I, myself, would love to have magic in my life. To be able to use it, to wield it. I don't deny that I want magic more than anything. I'm human after all(sadly). But unlike most people, I'd rather have magic kept hidden from prying human eyes than be able to wield it myself.
Magical creatures included. I always promise myself that if/when I ever encounter a magical creature in danger of being discovered, I'll do everything I possibly can to help them.
My pledge: I swear to help any magical creature in danger of being discovered, and to do all I can to protect their secret. I will help them in any way I  possibly can.
Magic is special, and it deserves to be kept a secret.

-Maddie the mermaid

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